We don't currently have any job vacancies, but if you're interested in working for us, we don't want you to miss out! As well as advertising vacancies on this page, we put all our job openings on our social media so make sure you're following us on BlueskyFacebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Why not keep in touch with us via our newsletter, too? 

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We are proud to be a member of the Experts by Experience Employment Network, which aims to create a charitable sector that is led by people with lived experience of the asylum and immigration system. As part of this network, we challenge the one-size-fits-all approach in our employment practices, and respect personal circumstances and needs of people with lived experience. If you are applying for a role at Boaz, please feel free to use information and resources at www.ebeemployment.org.uk/ebe..

The Boaz Trust is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1110344 We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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